Employee Offboarding, Bridging the Gap and Why It Matters


Goodbye, but not Farewell

We sincerely appreciate your assistance and send our best wishes to you.

How frequently do we hear this when an employee departs the company? When such a thing occurs, it is undoubtedly sad. They are the foundation of the organization, after all. What transpires, though, when the lifeblood turns bad? I'm sure nobody would want that.


Regardless of the circumstances, if employees leave with bad feelings, they may start to spread untruths and rumors that could harm your business and lead to future issues, such as a shortage of qualified hires. If this is the case, it is necessary to close the gap between what is possible and what is actually done when people are offboarded in order to lessen the effects and instead to assist them in maintaining your goodwill. What can Human Resources do to accomplish this, then? (Beatrice, 2021)


What's at Stake

Before examining what businesses should do to develop an appropriate offboarding plan, it is necessary to further explore why offboarding is important in the first place.

The top three reasons why proper offboarding is important are increasing re-hiring opportunities, strengthening employee branding, and assisting in identifying organizational vulnerabilities. Obviously, there are problems of this nature that affect local businesses frequently. This implies that management needs to cover a lot of ground in order to improve performance and that intra-organizational management is insufficient when it comes to maximizing value for corporate resources. Companies may continue to perform poorly if such problems are not addressed, which could hurt them in the long run. Without a doubt, businesses should reevaluate the value of offboarding for their own advantage. (Dessier, 2009)


The Point

When it comes to offboarding, one does not have to look further?


Keeping Talented Professionals

Knowing that relationships with employees persist long after people leave the organization, if it has successfully implemented an offboarding program that has been helpful. Their "boomerang program" aids in keeping a line of communication open with previous workers. Outstanding performers who have voluntarily left the firm in search of other opportunities are actively contacted by the company, which treats them as alumni. Using such a procedure, If has been able to remind these former employees that the company still values their opinions and contributions and that their doors are always open to them.

At the end of the day

Offboarding employees still plays a significant role in the modern human resources industry, although it does not always receive much attention. Due to this, organizations that don't already have a systematic program in place to address these needs should surely look to modify their procedures. Businesses can only fully capitalize on previously untapped potential through effective offboarding programs, laying a solid foundation upon which they can rely to navigate challenging situations and unforeseen events.


Ideal Techniques

Create an offboarding checklist, flowchart, or strategy guide to assist your HR department, management, and other staff members in understanding and implementing the necessary processes.

Even though your company's checklist probably doesn't need to be that long, make sure it contains some essential items like finishing and filing all paperwork, organizing the knowledge transfer, arranging for the return of any company equipment, conducting an exit interview, getting in touch with any clients, removing and revoking access to digital accounts, and stopping automatic paychecks. While many critical processes will remain the same, this workflow may change slightly if an employee retires, is fired, or resigns from their position. (Strikwerda, undated)

 Maintain Contact

Even though maintaining contact with an employee after they leave the firm on good terms may not be in either party's best interests, it is a wonderful way to show your employee that you care about them even after they leave the organization. Depending on the relationship, this may involve as little as a phone call or email, a coffee date, or even an invitation to a work event. A pleasant relationship that is maintained with employees may be advantageous to everyone since they may later work for contractors or clients of your business. (Crail, 2022)


In recent years, onboarding and offboarding have become incredibly complex due to remote or hybrid work arrangements. But they do not need to be. With careful planning and well-written instructions, these issues can be easily resolved, and the procedure can be standardized.

For process effectiveness to be ensured, regular reviews should be carried out. You must regularly evaluate your practices and adjust as appropriate.

for your personnel to establish a thorough onboarding or offboarding process.

(Mindvalley, 2011)

Beatrice, A. (2021) Bridging the Gap: Employee Offboarding & Why It Matters [online]. Available at https://quickhr.co/blog/employee-offboarding-why-it-matters. Accessed on 18th March 2023.

Crail, C. (2022) Offboarding: Definition & Best Practices (2023 Guide) [online]. Available at https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/offboarding/ Accessed on 18th March 2023.

Dessier, D. (2009) What's at stake in the agent-structure debate? [online]. Available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/international-organization/article/abs/whats-at-stake-in-the-agentstructure-debate/5D656E8440A827CC9E65964B618BDD0F. Accessed on 21st March 2023.

Mindvalley (2011) A Day in the Life of Mindvalley [online video]. Available at https://www.google.com/search?q=A+Day+in+the+Life+of+Mindvalley&rlz=1C1GCEU_enLK1004LK1004&oq=A+Day+in+the+Life+of+Mindvalley&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i61l3.4478j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8. Accessed at 21st March 2023.

Strikwerda, L. (undated) What Are Human Resources Techniques For Keeping The Best Employees?. [online]. Available at https://www.workforcehub.com/blog/what-are-human-resources-techniques-for-keeping-the-best-employees/. Accessed on 19th March 2023.



[1],[2],[3] https://quickhr.co/blog/employee-offboarding-why-it-matters. [Accessed on 19th March 2023].

[2].[4] https://www.workforcehub.com/blog/what-are-human-resources-techniques-for-keeping-the-best-employees/. [Accessed on 20th March 2023].






  1. The article highlights the importance of outsourcing in the modern HR sector and recommends companies to consider changing their practices if they do not already have a well-organized plan in place to address these needs. Companies can fully realize previously untapped potential and establish a solid basis upon which they can rely to navigate difficult circumstances and unforeseen events by developing efficient offboarding programs. Well done .! Taranga .

    1. Appreciated,  The comments and you motivated me to write more.

  2. Bridging the gap is essential because it helps to minimize the disruption course by the departure of an employee. Good job.

  3. Thank you for this informative post on the importance of offboarding in the workplace. It's easy to forget about the impact that departing employees can have on an organization, and the potential consequences of a poorly handled offboarding process. I appreciate the practical suggestions for creating an effective offboarding program, such as creating an offboarding checklist and maintaining contact with departing employees. It's clear that investing in a strong offboarding program can have long-term benefits for both the organization and the departing employee.

    1. Thank you for your remark. As employees, we spend the most of our joyful moments at work, yet it will be very upsetting to be let go.

  4. The preservation of the company's reputation would be critical in this case. A well-executed offboarding process can help maintain the company's reputation and prevent negative publicity. This is particularly important if the departing employee was in a high-profile position or had access to sensitive information. Good work Brother!

    1. Mate, You are absolutely right, and I agree with everything you said. Maintaining the reputation of "A Class" is a very delicate issue for each organization.

  5. An exit interview is conducted to evaluate the entire employee experience at your company and to find ways to increase engagement and retention. Risk management can benefit greatly from having a defined set of criteria in place when conducting departure interviews.Good Article

  6. I fully agree with your comment, and we always have to review and analyze the reason for leaving the workers. That is the secret to retaining the people in the organization and maintaining it with less cost for new recruitment. I appreciate your feedback.

  7. I appreciate your educating readers on the value of offboarding in the workplace. It's simple to ignore how leaving employees might affect a business and the possible repercussions of a badly managed offboarding procedure and useful advice for developing an efficient offboarding program

    1. I do agree with your statement, and we should carefully analyze both of them. Doing so will help an organization cut costs and increase employee happiness. I appreciate the inspiration.

  8. Offboarding is the process of formally separating an employee from a corporation by resignation, termination, or retirement. It includes all of the decisions and processes that occur when an employee leaves. This could include: Changing an employee's job responsibilities.
    Well done Tharanga !


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